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Gary Schweitzer posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago · updated 8 years, 9 months ago
Gary Schweitzer from Kelowna, B.C. Canada. I have taken the SWS a long time ago and I have had John as a coach for four weeks. Looking forward to the program.
Benjamin Marcoux posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago · updated 8 years, 10 months ago
Hey everyone, Ben Marcoux here. I am so excited to be starting SWS 2.0 tomorrow, and can’t wait to get to know all you cool cats!
Hi Ben: Congratulations! This is a huge opportunity, and I know you will be glad you took advantage. I took the SWS a few years ago and I know that if you really apply yourself it is a very powerful experience. It will give you killer copy skills, of course, but will also transform the way you relate to other people in your everyday life.…Read more
And you will be one of the very few that can honestly say they were personally coached by John Carlton. That in itself (and the confidence it will give you) is worth the price of admission!
Hi Virginia, thank you! I’m so excited to go through this course. I figured…might as well jump right in and learn from the best. That way I can just handle learning this skill once and for all (though I know writing is a lifelong endeavor.) I already have my next two months more or less blocked off. A trip was cancelled so I can go through this…Read more
I’ll see you in the classroom, Benjamin. Glad to have you aboard…
Jennifer posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago · updated 8 years, 10 months ago
To be less vague than “open your mind” or “keep an open mind”, assume I’m no stranger to criticism. Grateful and awestruck at the chance to be here now, I get that this is what (we) need to lean into and learn to be copywriters.
Hi Jennifer: the classrooms are open. Please go there, introduce yourself, and get started. To get to the SWS classrooms, in the top menu under Premium Services, go to Simple Writing System Coaching/Simple Writing System Classrooms. To get to the lesson videos, go to Premium Services/Simple Writing System Coaching/Simple Writing System…Read more
Hi, thanks, I’m in there wirking on the “READ THIS FIRST” downloads and log in to recommended software so I can get to the classroom in good form.
What downloads and what software are you talking about? All you have to do is read the Read me first stuff and go into the classroom and introduce yourself. Then start watching the first video. I think you are over-thinking this.
Jing 🙂
Screencast 🙂Yup… Reading John’s welcome message… no over think just caught a quick 30 for concentration.
I’ll check in on your post(s) first thing Monday, Jennifer. Welcome to the class…
Jennifer posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago · updated 8 years, 10 months ago
The SWS 2.0 course starts today.
Being a relatively “old salt” – senior citizen old – the recent photo here does not convey all the real age indicators. It’s all in the lighting. I say this, although you may not believe me, so you know I’m old enough to hear, filter, appreciate whatever you all have to say. Please do open your mind to being…Read more-
Welcome, Jennifer. You should be getting an email soon that will give you access to the classrooms.
I took the SWS a few years ago, and can tell you that it is a very powerful program. And John can definitely take whatever you have to dish out!
Work hard and have fun!
Great to hear from you. I’m in exactly the right place to do this. I have a lot on the line personally and I’ll be doing my best to work hard at this. It’s the best fun I’ve had in a long time.
Ian Walker posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago · updated 8 years, 10 months ago
Ian here again…
Please could someone advice me on an autoresponder solution. I am currently, building my front-end web portal, and looking to build/develop a backend to administrate, and capture prospects details. The plan is to send out daily emails for the first 52 days, so they can get to know me etc…
…And sent out daily emails there…Read more
Hi Ian,
Any chance you could give us something more specific to work with?
As you said, there really isn’t a one size fits all autoreponder strategy.
Is you market one where people are in heat for a short window? If so, you want to hit them with at least one email a day for a short period. Then you can back off on the frequency.
Or is it a…Read more
Hi Stan,
Thank you for getting back to me…
As you have probably realized, I am an out and out rookie starting from scratch. The initial plan is kick start using auto responders to create an audience/awareness as one funnel approach. So, on your advice, I will reduce the email volume to 12 and upsell free material (tip booklet etc), using e…Read more
Hi Stan,
It dawned on me today, like being struck by a bolt of lightening. I am falling into the common engineer pit-fail…
…The evil sin of over engineering…
It’s actually quite simple. I will connect my portal using aWeber to capture data, and distribute a simple 12 email campaign, and record results overtime.
Up-sell using tips booklet…Read more
Hi Ian: That sounds like a good plan, but you say you are going to upserll with your booklet and downsell with the paid product. I think you mean to say that you are going to be gathering emails with your tips booklet and then offering the info product after they opt in? If they have already opted in, usually you would upsell with the info…Read more
Hi Virginia,
Right, it as late when i wrote the reply to Stan. So, I will integrate aWeber for opt-in collection, down-sell first information product, and up-sell some Freebie material. This is the process I will test to get going…
Thank you for your advice.
Ian, AWeber will get you up and running quickly and cheap.
If you have any level of success, you will outgrow AWeber. The trade offs for inexpensive and easy to use it limited functionality.
For example, if you have multiple products and want to email an offer only to people who owns A and not B, AWeber will fail you.
Moving email lists from…Read more
Hi Stan,
Thank you for getting back, and sharing your invaluable experiences. I would rather set the techie foundations correctly, than migrating for from one solution to the next.
…And, causing myself, endless time wasting headaches.
I will set up a support ticket…
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Hi Gary. Welcome to the clubhouse.
Hi Gary: Welcome to the SWS and the MRIC (sounds like some kind of government thing, right?) Anyway, I know you will love having John for an additional 8 weeks. Hop on over to the classroom and introduce yourself there. Have fun!