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Larry E. posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago · updated 8 years, 11 months ago
Hello MRIC!
I have a question I was hoping to get your feedback on.In this day and age with everyone online concerned with Search Engine Optimization or SEO as Copywriters how much do you devote to developing the proper keywords when crafting your copy for a clients web page, and what tools do you use in developing this?
Thank you!
Larry E -
Larry E. posted an update 9 years ago · updated 8 years, 11 months ago
Is anyone familiar with COPYBLOGGER AUTHORITY membership for content writing? If so can you please tell me a bit more about it and if you thing it’s worthwhile? Thanks!
I haven’t spoken to Brian Clark is several years. I always found him to be a straight shooter and a reliable source.
Unless things have changed over there, Brian puts a different spin on most of the same things we teach in The Simple Writing System.
The goals / call(s) to action of content marketing are usually different that those of a…Read more
Thanks Stan!
Having taken the DIY version of SWS I have basis of comparison and yes I agree copy and content definitely have similarities and differences.
I’ve enjoyed the free version of COPYBLOGGER membership awhile now and have found useful content including ebooks, courses etc but now having been in Authority several weeks and been on Pamela…Read more-
Thanks for the update, Larry. Much appreciated.
Larry: I’m a member of Authority because I signed up for the Rainmaker platform and it was “free” with that. Quite honestly, I’ve not used a lot of their stuff because I’m been more focused on getting content up on the website but they have a ton of stuff.
I’d have never found John if I hadn’t started with Copyblogger. I think I heard him on a…Read more
Thanks for your feedback!
I joined Authority and so far I’m liking it.
Yes, took DIY of John’s SWS
Thanks again!
Larry E
Jose Ayala posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago · updated 8 years, 11 months ago
Hey john I just finished reading Steve manning’s book on how to write a book in 14 days.
Basically I was blown away with blueprinting first… really makes it easier to not freak out on a blank page.
Plus I have your secrets of a marketing rebel course and kinda put 2 and 2 together with your chapter on creating a product in a weekend.
Anyway,…Read more
Hi Jose. Sorry it’s taken us a few days to reply. John and I have booth been traveling non-stop for 2 weeks. Long work days and your post just slipped past me.
It’s old school and I don’t care who snickers at me… I do this all the time.
I use 3×5 cards or PowerPoint to first get all the ideas down. Big points. Phrases. Features /…Read more
Ben posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago · updated 8 years, 11 months ago
Hi All! I want to share with you what I’m planning to do and the landing page I made. I’d love to get your feedback and advice.
This is my plan:
I give away free executive book summaries of self-help classics. I build a list from giving these away. Then I follow up with them to sell them relevant courses as an affiliate.
There is an established…Read more-
Hi Ben: A couple of formatting suggestions. I would put the image of the book above the opt in box and move the bullets up. I would also add a couple, so you have 5 sltogether.
The capitalization of the words in the bullets is inconsistent, and makes the piece look sloppy. You shouldn’t capitalize each word, because these are bullets, not…Read more
Thank you Virginia for your feedback.
I use a template where you don’t have that much freedom to move things around. I can chose this layout though: http://readersfastlane.com . I will give this a try first and add some bullets.
I got rid of the capitalisation of the bullets and corrected the typo.
I wrote the summary myself and the original…Read more-
Hi Ben: I think that looks better. You might want to use an ebook image that is easier to read and stands out more. Yes, TAGR is public domain, so you can do anything you want with it. I was thinking of other books that are more recent and would be copyrighted.
I don’t see where you changed the capitalization of the bullets. They look the same…Read more
Thanks for all your feedback. I got ride of the capitalisation of the bullets and I added two more so I have 5 in total.
That is a worry of mine. I am not sure what I’m going to to with more recent works…
Thank you Pete for your feedback. I will have a look at OptiizePress.
Mobile-friendly – The easy way to create landing pages, sales pages and membership portals inside Wordpress. -
Not sure how up you are on WP but you may wanna check out….
By the way none of my posts are affiliate posts…ever!
I liked your landing page a lot.Your CTA was very good and loved the fact that after opting in when I received the second opt in by Mailchimp to my email within minutes that the 23 page download was available right there.
That means a lot to folks!
Just hope you can monetize this!
Best of good luck!
Larry E -
Great point Pete!
Larry E. posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
John, you got off to such a fast start with December and January RANTs that I look forward to February just knowing it will be as good as ever!
Larry E
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You’ll get a slightly different answer to this question from different experienced writers.
Best One Size Fits All answer I can give anyone is that you need to consider the intent of the copy on that page.
If it’s designed to attract leads via SEO, then keywords and keyword phrases are very important. You absolutely want to get specific words…Read more
Thanks for the detailed reply Stan…much appreciated!