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Ian Bretana posted an update 4 years, 2 months ago · updated 4 years, 2 months ago
Hello guys and gals.
Newb here. Been dabbling with copywriting for a few years now. But nothing to show for it.
And so I joined. Found this little corner of “ask john“ and said I should post here.
I have the kickass copywriting book. It was the best as far as I have read from other copywriting books.
So heres the thing, I wan…Read more
Jose Lopez posted an update 4 years, 3 months ago · updated 4 years, 3 months ago
Hello All, new member.
new to copy writing; joined to learn, and develop new skills I can use in business and career. My background is in construction; been a Superintendent for the last 10 years; my experience has been that it takes more of leadership, management, and communication; this group of soft skills to be effective. I feel learning…Read more
Federex1 posted an update 4 years, 3 months ago · updated 4 years, 3 months ago
Hello, a new member here.
I joined because I want to improve my email marketing skills and hopefully sell my own products in the near future.
I’ve had some success and lows in the email marketing scene. But lately I’ve seen that most of my emails (for client) is not providing the result that I used to have.
Though, I must admit that we…Read more
Hi Federex1: It is kind of hard to give advice without knowing a lot more about what you are doing.
I suggest you apply for a hot seat and have John and Stan review your email marketing. You would get a lot out of that.
There is a link to request a hot seat in the right column under Hot Seats and Consulting.
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 4 years, 3 months ago
How To Find Out What Theme A WP Site Is UsingIf you have ever visited a site and wondered what theme they were using, this tool can help you out. It is very simple to use. We created a […]
Kathleen Killins posted an update 4 years, 3 months ago
…Question regarding marketing an E-book using PPC ads…
Do you have to go to a blog article from the PPC ad?
Can you click the PPC ad and go directly to a straightforward sales page like John was talking about?
Recent Member Lessons
Transform Your Internet Business: Essential Strategies for Successful List Building with Tellman Knudson and Shawn Casey
On this call, David Deutsch interviews Tellman Knudson and Shawn Casey on the critical role of list building in internet marketing and its synergy with effective copywriting. Tellman, who overcame personal challenges to become a successful internet entrepreneur,...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: The Penny Letter
Sometimes we all like to pretend we're not motivated by money. That's fine to believe if you want...but you cannot afford such delusions if you are a marketer. People respond to money at a visceral level They almost never receive money for free, and especially not in...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: Shortcuts For The Scanner
I chose this letter (which continues to work very well to both house and outside lists) because of the cool handwriting and doodles in the margins. This goes back to the concept of "humanizing" your letters. The handwritten notes and circles are in a...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: Deposit Directly Into Your Account
The check on the first page of the letter PDF comes stapled to the letter behind it. This is one of TRS's best-selling teachers ... and one of the reasons for that is his willingness to let me write outrageous copy. The beauty in this technique is the way the cut...
Hi Ian: Are you trying to write for companies in the Phillippines or in the US? If in the Phillippines, you could start by going to some local businesses and offering your services to them.
If you want to work more online, you could offer your services either on the Phillippines Craigslist or on an online writer’s service website. One service…Read more
might help. but specifically, in the kickass book. there’s a section for newbies. specifically, I’d like to start with information business. for one, it helps with harnessing my skills as copywriter and with the benefits of going all-in.
but John mentioned the use of SRDS. Does that apply outside of US also?
How can I apply he information about…Read more