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Alejandro posted an update 3 years, 8 months ago · updated 3 years, 8 months ago
Introduction post:
Hey there! My name is Alejandro. I am from Nicaragua, a small country in Central America and jumped in on the journey of entrepreneurship a while back.
One of my mentors, Owen Cook, recommended me this course. He said the content in there was one of the most important things when writing copy for the first three years of…Read more
Kristina Wolff posted an update 3 years, 8 months ago · updated 3 years, 8 months ago
Hey there , I’m new here . I joined this club to get advice from john carlton . If he is here please I want a recommendation .
I’m a beginner and want to learn ins and outs of copywriting .
Please tell me what would you recommend me , I want the whole path .
Do you recommend any other courses than your kick ass secrets ?
Do you…Read more
Hi Kristina: Kickass Copywriting Secrets is a good place to start. If you are serious about becoming a copywriter, I would recommend that you look into the Simple Writing System. There is a link in the right column to the free SWS Express Course.
There are many good copywriters that are not native speakers, so that should not be an issue for you.
Yes, as a beginner, devour Kickass Copywriting Secrets, and if you can, go through the SWS. Hand copying ads is fine if you want to “feel” how another writer pens an ad, but don’t obsess on that method. The only way to get good is to write. A lot.
Not being a native English speaker is not a problem. You did fine with your question here — I…Read more
Alonso Ontiveros posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago · updated 3 years, 9 months ago
Hi! I’m Alonso! I’m currently in the midst of creating a product in the weight loss niche and adding mental health systems in place on top of it. I’m very new to copywriting and I hope to learn a lot from here so I can make a difference in that industry!
Shakaib Feroz posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago
Hello, MRIC! 🙂
Quick questions. John mentions a book called “Money Love” along with Think and Grow Rich and Lazy Man’s Way in Section XVIII of Kickass Copywriting Secrets. The Mysterious Force Behind Every Dollar Bill.
But the author of teh book is not mentioned, and John said something teh book PROBABLY being out of print.
Can anyone…Read more
Luca Emiliani posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago · updated 3 years, 9 months ago
Hello, let me introduce myself.
I’m a copywriter from Italy, a BNI member. I use also Brand Positioning and Neuromarketing to craft my compelling texts.
My special powers are long-form sales letters, storytelling, and “simple but effective” presentation design for webinars and live-stage events.My main challenge now is to increase my…Read more
Recent Member Lessons
John Carlton’s Best Ads: The Accidental Discovery
Golf is one of those golden markets that is clearly targeted...and populated with people who have an irrational passion for the sport. They don't bat an eye when I address them as "golf nuts" (which I frequently do). They glorify in their passion. They are so...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: World Famous Street-Fighter Will Give You A FREE GUN
This piece has mailed as a letter and run as a magazine ad for over seven years. It's a prime example of ''in your face' muscle writing-- it literally asks you to find a large friend, and have him point the gun at you and squeeze the trigger. It's not a "nice" ad....
John Carlton’s Best Ads: A Special Notice
I always load up my ads with urgency. You never want to let your reader think she has the luxury to put the copy aside and think about the offer. World-class salesmen know that letting the prospect "think about it" will kill the sale. Here is an example of piling...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: Final Notice!
Another simple tactic to get extra readership out of an ad, without changing another word in the main copy. The "look" of the words "Final Notice" is important, too. It looks like a real stamp, and the ink is red. It is stamped off-center, so it appears to have been...
Hi Alejandro: Welcome to the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club and to the Kickass Copywriting Secrets. I know you will get a lot out of that course.
One thing I might suggest: If you have your business started and are looking to grow your marketing you may want to request a hot seat. John and Stan will review what you are doing now and I know…Read more