by The Marketing Rebel Team | John Carlton's Best Ads, Lessons
This corner of the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club should make your greedy little heart sing: Actual hyper-successful sales letters, broken down, and explained in detail. As a member, you have access to a rotating selection of John Carlton’s most infamous,...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons
Whenever I put this ad up on the screen in seminars or marketing events, the crowd howls with laughter. It’s a funny headline. But … it’s funny in a way that forces you to continue reading. It’s not funny just to be funny. It’s funny in...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons
I first learned the “market test” concept from Jay Abraham. He had convinced a major publisher of financial newsletters to offer a dozen of them for, like, $19. Normally, each subscription would have separately cost as much as $200 or more. So this was...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons
The book being touted in this ad was written by a nice young Catholic boy who married the first girl he ever kissed. It’s true. I couldn’t make this stuff up. The client actually had the goods — he had learned some pretty remarkable insights and...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Blog, Copywriting
In this video clip, David Deutsch says that it’s not enough to just make big promises. People believe when there is proof, but proof can be more than facts and studies—it can also be common sense or things people already understand. Like a jury that believes the...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons
One of the biggest mistakes marketers make… is to get tired of their own advertising before the ads are actually dead. Sometimes, they pull ads that are still cooking at peak efficiency. They see the ad every day, they get tired of it, bored with it,...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons
Sometimes we all like to pretend we’re not motivated by money. That’s fine to believe if you want…but you cannot afford such delusions if you are a marketer. People respond to money at a visceral level They almost never receive money for free, and...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons
There are two keys to the following cover letter. First is the personalization in the subhead. That alone is a compelling way to engage the reader. Second, though, is a much more subtle tactic. It’s disarming, clever, and hits directly at the...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons
Let’s count the ”tricks” I pulled out of my bag for this ad: A take-away superscript. (Gone in 11 days.) Instant urgency. Long headline. A compelling “not what you expected” type of headline. This is self-defense …and yet...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons
Here is a good example of a “lipstick” letter. The reference is to the old comedy routine of coming home with lipstick on your collar — and obviously dire situation that would crush a normal man. But a top – notch salesmen should be able to talk his...