by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Like many things about online marketing, the SEO rules and best practices never stop changing. For good reasons. An ever-growing army of people invest countless hours trying to get their pages (or clients’ pages) at the top of search engine results. Some care if...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons
Here, I confronted a major objection in the reader’s mind right off the bat: Everyone on the house list for this client had recently been hammered with piece after piece… and the list was fatiguing. So I took a more clever path to their heart...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons
Here is a version of another ad I talk about in “Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets”. The client is a “coach”– a consultant who helps doctors get their act together. Which, for most health care professionals, means reducing stress and...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Lessons
Staying on top of the martial arts market is no walk in the park. It’s not like baseball, where the rules and skills required stay pretty much the same for decades. Fighting skills change dramatically and constantly, as last year’s “big thing”...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Private Consulting & Services block
Website Development and MaintenanceWork with the Marketing Rebel Development Team to turn your website into an efficient money making machine.
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Private Consulting & Services block
Ask Us AnythingLooking for answers to get you moving forward? Our team of experts is ready to assist.
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Private Consulting & Services block
Hire a CopywriterIncrease your earnings with the help of some of the most renowned and successful copywriters in the world, with track records exceeding over a billion dollars in sales.
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Private Consulting & Services block
Private Coaching and MentoringWork with some of the world’s most successful and respected marketers and copywriters, including David Deutsch, John Carlton, Stan Dahl and David Garfinkel.
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Copywriting, Lessons
We frequently get questions in the Clubhouse about how to create a sales letter. This is covered in depth in the Simple Writing System. We will be starting a new session of the Simple Writing System with live coaching from Lorrie Morgan after Labor Day, so you might...
by The Marketing Rebel Team | Marketing Rebel Products Blocks
Marketing Rebel Insider’s ClubAccess to exclusive content, live event recordings, and training programs. A rotating library of proven strategies, tactics, and how-to guides.