More Prospects

More Prospects Every business needs a continual stream of new prospects in order to survive and thrive.  The internet has proven to be a phenomenal source of new prospects, but the landscape there is constantly changing.  In this section we will be addressing the...


Entrepreneurship Your attitude determines your altitude.   I am not sure where that came from, but it is all too true.  Mentally and physically, a biz owner must be in top shape to be able to run a successful business.  He must also leverage the power of personal...

Close More Sales

Close More Sales - Make More Money It is as simple as that.  The more you sell the more money you make. However, as John says, the hardest thing to do in this world is to get someone else to take money out of his pocket and give it to you... In this section we will...

Run The Biz

Run The Biz Once you have gotten your business off the ground, you have to have systems in place that will help you manage it and help it grow.  Otherwise, you will spend all your time putting out fires and dealing with minutiae.  You can use online and offline tools...

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