Math is not just for scientists and people walking around with pocket protectors (Do they still use those?). Everyone can benefit, both in their everyday life and in business with an understanding of how to do math quickly and easily in his head. At the grocery store,...
Power Reading — How to read any book efficiently and effectively
This is going to be based on "How to Double Your Power to Learn" by Eugene Schwartz. I have looked into several "speed reading" courses over the last several years and this seems to be the simplest to learn yet very effective. I will be explaining the...
Power Learning Section
This is a new section devoted to strategies that we can use to learn things more efficiently. I will start off with reading more quickly and efficiently, then move on to mathematics, spelling, memory and other ways that we can gather and process information more...
What is the Best Structure for Your Business?
One of the first decisions that an entrepreneur must make is how to structure his business. This can have wide-ranging consequences. Because of this, it is important for anyone starting a business to understand the various business models that are available. It is...
Hiring Workers from the Philippines
A couple of years ago I hired some Filipino workers. I learned quite a bit from that, so I decided to write this to help anyone who may be considering this but isn't sure what is involved. I am passing along my experience which, for the most part, was good. I was...
Introduction to Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency
Until a month ago, I didn’t know that there was such a thing as cryptocurrency. I had never heard the term “bitcoin”. Then I received a solicitation for a bitcoin trading software, and since then it seems it is all I hear about. Companies of all sizes, from...
How to Embed Video on a Website with Camtasia
Camtasia gives you a couple of ways to embed their videos without needing an outside player. This video shows how to do this. It is more convenient for someone who does not want to fool with other software. Click on the image to play:
How to Embed Video on a Website With FlowPlayer
Flow Player is a popular, free player that will embed video on a website. I created this video right after the one on JW Player. When I was preparing for the one on JW Player, I found the player that was to be used on a static HTML site and tried to install it...
How to Embed Video on a Website With JW Player
JW Player is a program that is used to embed videos on websites. It is popular and it is free. In preparation for this video, I downloaded JW Player and tried to install it on a website using their (seemingly simple) directions. It didn't work, so I tried putting the...
How to Manage Video on Amazon S3 Using Cloudberry Explorer (free tool)
Cloudberry Explorer is a free service that you can use to upload and manage files on Amazon S3. They do not offer player creation, so you have to use other software to create and embed videos. Cloudberry demo video (Click on the arrow to play): To download the...