Million Dollar Marketing Secrets Introduction

Million Dollar Marketing Secrets Introduction - David Deutsch Credits Although Million Dollar Marketing Secrets was written many years ago, it was extensively updated in 2024, since, to put it mildly, a thing or two has changed about marketing in the past decade....

Million Dollar Marketing Secrets Home Page

Million Dollar Marketing Secrets In David's work as a copywriter and marketer, he has identified specific strategies that he and his clients use to succeed in today's changing times. These strategies are organized into clear principles. By applying these principles,...

John Carlton’s Best Ads: Final Notice!

Another simple tactic to get extra readership out of an ad, without changing another word in the main copy. The "look" of the words "Final Notice" is important, too.  It looks like a real stamp, and the ink is red.  It is stamped off-center, so it appears to have been...

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