Sometimes we all like to pretend we're not motivated by money. That's fine to believe if you want...but you cannot afford such delusions if you are a marketer. People respond to money at a visceral level They almost never receive money for free, and especially not in...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: Shortcuts For The Scanner
I chose this letter (which continues to work very well to both house and outside lists) because of the cool handwriting and doodles in the margins. This goes back to the concept of "humanizing" your letters. The handwritten notes and circles are in a...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: Deposit Directly Into Your Account
The check on the first page of the letter PDF comes stapled to the letter behind it. This is one of TRS's best-selling teachers ... and one of the reasons for that is his willingness to let me write outrageous copy. The beauty in this technique is the way the cut...
Million Dollar Marketing Secrets Introduction
Million Dollar Marketing Secrets Introduction - David Deutsch Credits Although Million Dollar Marketing Secrets was written many years ago, it was extensively updated in 2024, since, to put it mildly, a thing or two has changed about marketing in the past decade....
Million Dollar Marketing Secrets Home Page
Million Dollar Marketing Secrets In David's work as a copywriter and marketer, he has identified specific strategies that he and his clients use to succeed in today's changing times. These strategies are organized into clear principles. By applying these principles,...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: The Accidental Discovery
Golf is one of those golden markets that is clearly targeted...and populated with people who have an irrational passion for the sport. They don't bat an eye when I address them as "golf nuts" (which I frequently do). They glorify in their passion. They are so...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: World Famous Street-Fighter Will Give You A FREE GUN
This piece has mailed as a letter and run as a magazine ad for over seven years. It's a prime example of ''in your face' muscle writing-- it literally asks you to find a large friend, and have him point the gun at you and squeeze the trigger. It's not a "nice" ad....
John Carlton’s Best Ads: A Special Notice
I always load up my ads with urgency. You never want to let your reader think she has the luxury to put the copy aside and think about the offer. World-class salesmen know that letting the prospect "think about it" will kill the sale. Here is an example of piling...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: Final Notice!
Another simple tactic to get extra readership out of an ad, without changing another word in the main copy. The "look" of the words "Final Notice" is important, too. It looks like a real stamp, and the ink is red. It is stamped off-center, so it appears to have been...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: Wickedly-Clever Grabbers
You can't see the grabbers that were attached to the following letters. The first was a simple, commercial packet of flower seeds. The second was a clever magnetized calendar for the fridge. The last was a simple business card with a hand-written...