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  • Stan Dahl posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago

    Hi all. The first Simple Writing System Coaching Program is kicking off next week. Your coach will be Mark Landstrom, who’s taken more budding copywriters through the program than anyone.

    All the details are here -> http://simplewritingsystem.com/

    If you already have the SWS Home Study Course, check your email. There is a discount available…Read more

  • Hey All,

    I am about to kick start my swipe file, after completing SWS 2.0 head grinding sabbatical…

    And, having gone through the 17 points in immense detail… have come to the realisation, great sales copy is definitely crafted from the formation of well thought-out bullets.

    Is there anyone who could share with me, some example sales let…Read more

    • Hi, Ian. I have a few swipe files from Dan Kennedy & Gary Halbert from way back in the days that I reference back to. I’ll share the letters with you. I’m not seeing a “Share content button” on here… Let me know which method works for you. Thanks!

      • Hey Daniil, Nice one. If you could fire them over to ian@ianbarronwalker.com would be great… Funny enough, I have just started to read Dan Kennedy books. He’s got quite a unique NB style. Thank you for sharing… And, helping me kick start my swipe file… Best, Ian

    • Hi Ian: All the swipe file letters on the site are under John Carlton’s Corner/Selected Letters – Swipe file letters. There are only 2 there at any one time so you have to keep up with them as we post them. We posted one today which I don’t think is in the SWS workbook.

    • Hi Ian: I found a way to get some of John’s golf letters. Some of them are Jim Curley’s. I can’t tell you which is which, but it really doesn’t matter. John’s golf client is OHP Golf. They used to have a lot of sales letters on their product page, but now they don’t.

      If you use the “wayback machine” (Google it) and enter http://www.OHPdirect.com…Read more

    • Actually, it is Triple Coil Power Swing

      • Hi Virginia,

        Great stuff, I owe you a drink, or two…

        It’s great see the aesthetic feel of the one legged golfer, in real web format… And, appreciate 17 point structure. I will take some timeout over the weekend, review relevant sales letters, and get swiping…

        Oh yeah, on another swiping exercise… Where could I get my hands on OLD direct mail le…Read more

  • Hello, everyone. Is it possible to download the videos on here onto my computer? Also, regarding the existing training videos, will they always be saved on this site or is it for a limited time?

    • Hi Daniil: The only things you can download are the audios, which are the scuttlebutt sessions and the member hotseats. All the lessons are permanent except the live event hot seats (marketing and copywriting hot seats), the scuttlebutt sessions, the kickass coopywriting crash course, and the swipe file letters. These are all under the “John…Read more

  • Right, I have invented what I consider to be a revolutionary new fitness gym. I consider it to be better than the Bowflex and Total Body gym in several ways. Both these gyms have in excess of one billion dollar sales over their lifetime.
    I am in the process of writing the patent for my invention myself. After that I intend to run a crowdfunding…Read more

    • Sounds exciting, Tony! You might want to consider taking the Simple Writing System live coaching course. Your instructor could give you a lot of invaluable advice in doing your research and helping you write your copy. There is none available at this time but I have heard rumors that they may be starting one soon!

      Maybe we will see you on…Read more

  • Im needing some great copy for my wood finishing videos I need a great header. Im marketing to realtors

    • Hi Daniel: Welcome to the Club. When you come up with some headers, feel free to post them here and get feedback.

      If you want it written for you, Stan and John can recommend someone. Just click on “request a copywriter” in the Member Details section of the right column.

Recent Member Lessons

John Carlton’s Best Ads: The “Piss Everyone Off and Then Apologize” Letter

Here is the letter I mention in “Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets” where the personalized headline enraged so many people. I was only trying for a “visceral” connection in the headline — you know, give people’s hot button about vulnerability a gentle rap. Get a reaction.

Boy, did it ever cause a reaction…

You can check out John Carlton’s “Piss Everyone Off and Then Apologize” ad…

… and some of his other top-grossing ads…

PLUS, get additional commentary and insights from John on this and many more of his best ads.

Learn the background, insights, structure, a persuasion techniques that went into some of the ads that launched John Carlton into the world of copywriting and advertising legends.

And start applying those same techniques to your own sales copy.

All by joining the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club today. Click on the link below and try it out for just $1.

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The Simple Writing System

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Kick-Ass Copywriting 

Carlton Swipe Files

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