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The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 3 months, 1 week ago
Copywriting Hotseat – Just Sell the Darn Thing
Dwight is selling a MLM product to businesses. There are 2 major points that are made. First, it is not targeted enough. The headline targets a […]
khalid patel posted an update 3 months, 2 weeks ago · updated 3 months, 1 week ago
Hi There. I am totally new to the SWS and I am currently on Step 2 (Your Avatar). My question is, is it ok to use ChatGPT (or any other AI platform) to conduct Avatar research? I’ve used it a few times, and it seems to give me some pretty good insights. Just wondering what anyone’s views are on this, or whether it is a reliable method of research.
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Cracking the Code of Persuasion: The Patterns Behind Great Copy
In this video, David Deutsch shares his transformative experiences working alongside industry legends like Jim Rutz and John Carlton. From […]
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 3 months, 2 weeks ago
John Carlton's Best Ads: Did You Know There's $31 In Your Account?Get all of John Carlton’s most successful ads here >> John Carlton’s Best Ads… and The Stories Behind Them Here’s a great twist on letting […]
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 3 months, 2 weeks ago
The Secret to High-Converting Copy: How Tension Drives ActionAre you struggling to write copy that truly converts? In this video, David Deutsch dives into the secret weapon of effective copywriting: tension. […]
Recent Member Lessons
Action Seminar: Can You Split Test With Mixed Traffic?
The Action Seminar speakers answer questions from the audience. In this excerpt, Jon Correll explains how to split test a page if you are getting traffic from different sources? [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asQRbvKBlBw[/embedyt] Jon’s comments: Is it a...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: What Women Secretly Wish You Knew About Sex
I struggled for years to get Rodale to use personalization in a letter. My other clients found that personalizing a letter boosted response by as much as 30% -- a very significant increase to the bottom line. Working with large mailers, you are pitted against...
John Carlton’s Best Ads: The Only Sex Book You’ll Ever Admit To Buying
You have to imagine what was going on in Rodale's collective head at the time. This is a very conservative, east-Pennsylvania-based publisher -- one of the largest mailers in the world. But their main fare are books on gardening, health, folk recipes, stuff like that....
John Carlton’s Best Ads: Hot Off The Lot
This is an ancient manuscript for an ad I wrote maybe 15 years ago. If you know anything about me personally, you know I'm the worst sort of pack-rat there is. I have dozens of banker's boxes in the garage stuffed with files, notes, ads and what-not--some of it going...
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Hi. John Carlton and I recorded AI for SWS. If you purchased SWS in the past few months, open a support ticket when we announce it, and I’ll make sure you get access.
We used ChatGPT to help us with Step 2: Your Avatar. (And every exercise.)
We picked a market John knows very well. Has sold them millions of dollars of products.
As we expected,…Read more