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  • Hello, I’m reworking my website and not clear on what to put on HOME vs ABOUT pages.

    Because my products are handmade by me, I’m part of the ‘what’. I’m stuck on what needs to go onto the Home page vs the About Page. Is the about page about me, my products, my struggle now solved, the benefits the facial products will bring, both…

    I’…Read more

    • You don’t need a CTA on your about page, That is just about your story. The rest of the stuff looks to be ok, but I would take off the CTA

      On your homepage, just my personal opinion, I suggest you start writing articles of topics of interest to your prospects. About whatever their main questions are. In the right column you can have an…Read more

      • I don’t know what style of website you’ve chosen, but if it’s a straightforward content-based site, unless you’re already a household name, I would be very clear on the home page about the topic of the site and use the primary keyword in the first sentence (below the headline.) For example: “This is a website about natural, hand-crafted face…Read more

        • I love your ideas…thank you…you’ve oainted a picture and now I can crack on and fill in the gaps. a blank page without structure us the worst….vs having a skeleton to clothe. appreciate you taking time. are you a skincare junkie perhaps? happy sunday to yoi

          • Not a skin-care junkie, but a natural remedy and natural health info junkie. I’ve been developing a website about natural remedies (not yet complete – don’t have contact info, comments etc. set up yet – they’re coming…) Are we allowed to post URLs? Anyway, check it out at Remedywise.com. What’s yours?

            • Hi Karen: You can post anything you want as long as it doesn’t contain an affiliate link. 🙂

            • Hello fellow health /natural junkie.I’m glow-skincare.com and you’ll see how ‘confused’ my home/about pages are. I love your feedback.. and practical tips. I’ve handwritten them into a journal to get my brain fired up… Are you US or Canada or UK? I’m in the UK. Popping over to your site now…

            • love your approach Karen.. you’re a wise soul.. this line:
              Your body is designed to heal itself.
              yep yep yep.just give it what it needs and it will. skin, same thing. I’ve got an EFT course on DVD’s from 15 years ago, undone, naughty. yoga mat unloved..saw a vid of an artist who unrolls her mat for a few minutes in her work day. Being home-based…Read more

      • great ideas…never thought of popping blog articles on front page….I’ve written loads but they never got read hidden away on Blog…thank you

      • Thank you Virginia. I’ve got blog posts/articles that I can rework.. and gaps where I should write them, excellent suggestions. Glad I asked.

    • It’s totally appropriate to push a lead-magnet on the about page. Grab those emails where ever you can!

      • Thanks Evan…it’s good to hear this. I’m hoping to catch every lead possible, esp as I had that optin properly designed etc.

    • Hi Wendy –

      I’m going to make 3 specific suggestions / points. You can do with them what you like. After we’ve been over the 3, if i think I can offer more tips, I will.

      Home vs. About Page – Unless you land folks on your About page, nobody is going to go there unless something on your Home page (or page you land them on) is interesting enough…Read more

      • Hi Stan,

        You’re the first person to comment on the photo, and that I give away the farm upfront…thank you for the brutal truth.

        I’ve never been happy with the headline…nor sure what has to be said… hence me coming back to re-do it. I can make the layout changes/minor tweak today. Palm oil free is only a concern from a small number of…Read more

        • Hi Wendy,
          Urk – I realize now that I didn’t even read your headline – it was so wordy, I skimmed it and caught the word “oil.” That was about it. What’s the primary keyword for your website?

          • Ah, headline needs fixing then…I thought the long tailed keywords were:
            best face cream
            best moisturiser
            best moisturiser for dry skin

            But now with Stan’s input, I’m rethinkign that, and looking to develop/promote the GlowSensual System (a solution to bad skin, which includes my products).
            Last year I wanted a ‘secret sauce’ but didn’t realise…Read more

            • I read your new headline. It works for me.
              On another note, I know that keywords are going the way of the dodo bird (apparently) but I’m also aware that “home remedies for dry skin” gets around 5K searches a month and is not a highly competitive KW. Home remedy for dry skin gets around 3K and has low competition. Dry skin gets about 160K,…Read more

          • Thank you on those KW. I’m fixated down a path – it’s so helpful having another natural alternative person to suggest other ideas..

        • Photo: The photo wont’ make the sale, but it could hurt it. When we see a photo, we all start telling a story to ourselves about the photo. That’s why it’s important to put a caption under every photo in an add. So you get to tell the story you want, not the reader. For your above the fold photo, I’d try something that visualizes the benefit…Read more

          • Aaah ok, a positive imagery, imagined.. ok get it. Why is the obvious so un-obvious till it’s mentioned?
            The jar can stay on the product pages…

            Like that, sunrise stroll etc. Thank you Stan!

          • Next Thursday I’m having a pro photo done, so that I can show what my skin looks like. This whoudl help. I have also asked my long standing customer for a before picture.

      • Inspired by Stan…. here goes:
        My Glow Guarantee:

        I’m confident that your skin will feel smoother, softer and more hydrated on my system.

        Use Glow for 14 days and if your skin isn‘t totally happy, I’ll refund your purchase price.

        And, if you buy today, I’ll even let you keep the jar.

        (live on homepage)

        • Can they see results in 14 days? If so, and you don’t make them send the jar back, then I would just test that against 30 days. Sometimes you can get a higher response rate with a longer guarantee and if it works you won’t have a refund problem.

          • The cream feels great on the skin instantly…

            Women do say they feel a difference within 48hours… not all women but enough.

            I can stretch the guarantee time out ad infinutum if I am giving the money back…

            Fortnight was a thumb suck.

            My products only have to be better than the last thing they tried for them to see a difference. It’s…Read more

        • I want to back up what Virginia says. How long does it take for the vast majority this product helps to see a positive result? Make the guarantee at least that long.

          • Ok.

            If the customer is mixing and matching my nice stuff with cheapo junk, it will take longer… my stuff is having to compensate for the damage other stuff does.. ok so a month?

            Ideal situation they switch totally at once. But ‘big’ investment…

            • You might want to mention that, if you didn’t already…”Put aside all those drugstore “remedies” you may be using when you use “your product name” so you can give it a fair trial” or something like that. At least test that once you start to have regular sales to see if it affects your returns.

          • @virginia-drew that’s a good point, yes, (doh why did I not see that?!) yes yes must put that down as drugstore stuff will confuse/undo… and it’s always easier to blame whoever will give you money back and let you off the hook… thank you.

  • Does anyone have advice about the best and simplest way to record interviews either on the phone or in person? (including product names if you have a brand you like.)

    • Hi Karen: I have a small digital voice recorder and a microphone that sits in my ear for phone recordings. It is an Olympus. If you get one, though, make sure it has an output jack that you can hook up to offload the audio to your computer.

      I also find it handy if I am talking to someone on the phone and want to remember what they say, for…Read more

      • Thanks, Virginia.
        One other way I’ve heard of recording interviews by phone is to use a service like Go-To-Webinar, except that there’s just you and the interviewee on the call. Do you know anything about this?

        • There are services like Instantteleseminar.com. That one is not free, You can google “teleconference services” and find some but I can’t comment on them.

      • I’ve never heard of a record from inside the ear before, sounds really 007 cool.
        Great question Karen. I’d like to start recording interviews to use on the Glow site with useful tips etc

      • I’ve just checked out Evaer… the 1 minute instruction was very tempting.. it had a British accent which was fun.. and it looks really simple to use. Thanks Virginia, great tip and thanks Karen for asking this great question.

    • Karen, there is also something called Zoom for doing webinars…it will do a recording of that. I played with it a bit last week.

    • There is another site called Join.me which I know was quite popular. I haven’t really seen it much in the past year but that may just be me, not a reflection on the site. I think the other person needs to download the software, too (not really sure about that) but I know it is easy to use. I assume it has recording capabilities, but if not you…Read more

    • Thank you. I’ve bookmarked this one.

    • Hi Wendy: John and Stan know what happened to him, but I am not sure that that is a reason to pull the hot seat. I will check with Stan, but there are videos all over made by people who are no longer alive (like Gary Halbert). I will consider mentioning that in the post. Let me see what Stan says.

    • Hi Wendy: I pulled the hot seat (along with 2 others) just because it has been up too long.

      • Eeek…that’s a shame because it was interesting and I was halfway thru… Have you posted up a newer hot seat? I’ve found 89% of the links keep saying Ooops.

        • You mean the links from the list of posts? To see what is available, in the top menu click on John Carlton’s corner/Live Event hot seats and copy critiques and the ones that are live are listed there. There are only a few available at any one time.

          I re-posted the hot seat so you can finish it. It will be up until Monday morning.

          I will put…Read more

        • You should be getting an email from Stan when the hot seats are posted. If you don’t get one Monday (proabably mid- to late- afternoon in the UK) let me know.

        • Wendy: Where did you find the links that say the hot seat is unavailable? I think I know what happened, but would you please go back there and see if the links are still there? If so, would you tell me where they are? Thanks

  • I am trying to find ‘the collected letters of Joh Carlton” – his swipe file. All I can find is about 5 letters. Is that it? Is that all there is for his ‘collected letters’? I try clicking on all the links in Carlton’s corner in the section that says ‘collected letters’ but it just keeps coming back to these 5..Please let me know

    • Hi Brendan: We post a new swipe file letter every 2 to 3 weeks, and they are up for about 3 weeks, so there are 2 or 3 available at any one time (plus there are a couple that are there all the time). We posted one last week, and will be posting a new one next Sunday.

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