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The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 6 years ago
How to Send Secret InformationWe have all heard of the hacking into corporate data bases, and the attendant theft of private information. We are told to be careful when […]
Will Koen posted an update 6 years ago · updated 6 years ago
Hello I am new to the MRIC club. I have been studying direct response marketing for a while (mostly Dan Kennedy stuff). I am about to dive in to the SWS training to improve my copy writing. I’ll admit I am still getting better.
I am doing my best to complete the last course I bought before this one. “The Ultimate Marketing Machine” by Dave Dee at…Read more
Sharon Annable posted an update 6 years ago · updated 6 years ago
Hi everyone! I’m new here. I’m looking forward to learning!
My biggest challenge right now is needing to get my online business up and running quickly while not having many resources to get it done. I know next to nothing about the technical side (best web host, building landing pages, etc) but am willing to learn.
I don’t need to make…Read more
Hi Sharon: Sorry to hear of your husband’s illness. My mother had Alzheimer’s, so I can understand some of the struggles you are going through.
From reading your profile I assume your husband is in a nursing home or other facility right now. If I were you the first thing I would do is get a second job and spend the next year or two putting…Read more
Arnold Flores posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago · updated 6 years, 1 month ago
Hey everyone!
I’ve been up grinding out a free report on bodybuilding and shoulder training, and im stuck with two ideas, but don’t want to waste anymore tie thinking about it and so I figure to ask for help from you all.
For now, I have decided to keep the free report as is, and email series to sell a product later in the relationship.…Read more
I would get their email when they sign up for the report, ask for the sale at the end of the report (this depends also on the cost of the product, because it is very difficult to sell an expensive product with one touch) maybe with a “first mover” discount, and then use the email sequence to sell the product to those who don’t buy it right…Read more
Lead gen, and laser focus on emails with value. That does seem like an effective approach. Thank you for replying back Virginia!
I completely agree with Virginia. Your free report builds rapport with them and offers them value upfront, thus making them want more and wondering what to do next – and that’s when you’ll present them with your offer
Ryan Nalepinski posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago · updated 6 years, 1 month ago
Hey ramblin’ rebels,
I would love some feedback on this sales page. It’s for an introductory budgeting product.No, the price is not $4,997. It’s actually going to be available for about $97 the last I checked.
Too much? Does it leave anything unanswered? Could something be worded differently?
And go…
How to Manage Your Money – Rich D…-
Hi Ryan: I think it looks pretty good.
I would take out the call to action in the header. That might be a bit soon.
I’m assuming that you are still going to put some graphics in and improve the formatting a bit to make it easier to read.
Also, do you have any testimonials? I would sprinkle them in, putting them in the section that is…Read more
Recent Member Lessons
A power nap is only a click away…
As entrepreneurs, we tend to get way too little sleep. Which makes it harder to get things done. Which means we have to work longer hours and don't get enough sleep. Which means... I think you get the idea.. Kind of a nasty cycle. It is said that a power nap in...
Squeeze new value out of your existing content
Creating content the easy way... If you have been creating content for any length of time, you are sitting on a gold mine. Just combine, split, convert. You can: Reach new audiences: People consume content in different ways, and hang out in different places so...
Are your pages loading quickly?
One of the most important metrics used by Google now is the speed the page loads. This is made even more important by the fact that more and more people are using their phones (some of which are still at 2G speed) to surf the internet. Do you know how fast your page...
Easily send large files with these free services
We have found 2 services that will send fairly large files to any email for free. There is no demo because they are so simple to use Hightail This is a very handy site which will allow you to send files up to 50 MB to any email for free. I find that it is hard to...
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Maybe a sugar-free cookie?
You can get any of your marketing materials critiqued by John and Stan if you request a hot seat. There is a link in the right column under “Hot Seats and Consulting”
Thank you very much for the ideas. I appreciate you taking the time to help me, thank you. I got in “the zone” when writing and used a technique Gary Halbert used for follow up for inspiration for the piece i wrote. I want to get your critique on that soon.
I went away from a food based approach, but I do like the apricot. I may want to flesh that one out and then have you guys look at them side by side and see if you see a winner Or split test it with real prospects.
I was kind of kidding with the cookie. You have to be careful what you attach because it has to be very light and not easily breakable. John tells a story of a client that sent some very old coins (I think they were Dubloons) but they were so brittle that a lot of people just got an envelope with crumbles of coin in it.