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The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 6 years, 1 month ago
How to use Vimeo to store and manage videosAt The Marketing Rebel, we use Vimeo to store all our member and premium videos. We used to use Amazon S3, but a couple of years ago decided […]
THOMAS Drummond posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago
Hi, Just joined the SWS course and am checking out the club house to get a feel for what people are doing and the problems and solutions they have.
Just completed the research section for a product I’m going to use in the SWS training. It’s a rebounder (a personal trampoline) which provides full-body exercise that enhances the lymph (immune)…Read more
Richard Mangahas posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago · updated 6 years, 1 month ago
I’ve just joined and I’m looking forward to getting some knowledge and actual action. I’d say I’m essentially coming from a ZERO spot where I have some ideas on what I’d like to sell, but that’s about it. I’ve never really moved forward on anything.
David Maswary posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago · updated 6 years, 1 month ago
Hello everyone. First post here and I recognize a lot of familiar and friendly faces so I’m clearly among quality company.
How do I use the site properly? Is the Clubhouse laid out as a forum?
I love John’s material and I want to take full advantage of every last pearl of wisdom and knowledge.
Is there a site welcome tour anywhere?
Welcome David, Sorry, I don’t have an answer to share, I’m realitively new myself. But, I’ll certainly be following your post 🙂 Following 😎
Hi David: If you look at the top of the right column, right under where it says “logout”, you will see 2 links, one for “quick start/welcome”, and one for “Complete guide”. That is the place to start. After you have read those articles, if you have any questions, please post them here.
Thanks, and welcome to the Club!
Adrian McEady posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago · updated 6 years, 1 month ago
My most pressing question?
I have access to a product, book sales thru software vendors Amazon
and other 3rd party vendor sellers.Here’s part of my problem I am presently going thru the training
and the takeaway is (training program) meaning I have not sold any
books.So I cannot attest to my own success.
However, I still have the…Read more
Hey Adrian, Welcome to the fold my man.
Quick question for you…
What training have you already completed inside the Marketing Rebel Club?
Because then I can point you in the right direction (and we can give you useful advice without accidentally talking way over your head).
Does that make sense?
Hi Adrian: When you say “I am presently going thru the training” I take that to mean that the creator of the product has some training available to you. Don’t they tell you what markets to target,. and how to sell the product? They are the ones who know best who will buy it and the best way to approach that target market.
Adrian, thank you for the responding.
I have not completed any of this training, and I am internet newbie.
So, what training do I need to send cold prospects to a webinar and get sales.
Please point me in that direction…
Thank you fellow rebel.
I need commissions sorely.
Recent Member Lessons
A power nap is only a click away…
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Squeeze new value out of your existing content
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Are your pages loading quickly?
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Easily send large files with these free services
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Premium Programs

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The Simple Writing System
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Kick-Ass Copywriting
Carlton Swipe Files

The Freelance Course

Hi Richard: Welcome to the Club.
As I just recommended to David, I would suggest you start with the Welcome/Quick start and read the Complete Guide (links are under Membership Details, right below where it says “logout”. Then as you have questions, please post them here.