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The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 5 years, 3 months ago
Easily Spy on Your Competition's Facebook AdsThere is a Chrome add-on that helps advertisers check their pixels to make sure they are working properly. But, you can also use it to spy on […]
Casey Stanton posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago · updated 5 years, 3 months ago
Hey y’all, I’m new to the group but not new to the Books of John. My business is called CMO Exponential, or CMOx for short. We provide fractional chief marketing officer solutions.
Our team is small; 3 full-time plus a few contractors for design, tech, etc.
The business has the following:
FRACTIONAL CMO SERVICES – 10 hours/week, lea…Read more
Brandon Whited posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago · updated 5 years, 3 months ago
Hi all, good to be here. Here’s my most pressing concern. I’m a copywriter, I like to write for supplements, health/wellness, Self-Help and or pick-up. I need clients. Now. I know I’ve got the goods, I can deliver, I can optimize and work with a media team to create an amazing funnel. But where do I find these ideal clients?
Any ideas or…Read more
You have to go to wherever your clients are hanging out. Facebook, LinkedIn, your local Chamber of Commerce, BNA, etc. Have you had clients in the past? where did they come from? You might want to check out John’s Freelance Course. It is very inexpensive and has some great ideas for building a clientele. Or you could request a hot seat with…Read more
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 5 years, 3 months ago
How to Create a Facebook Instant Experience AdFacebook used to have what were called “Canvas” ads. They have been replaced with “Experience” ads, which have a lot more functionality. An […]
Vienna Castellaw posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago · updated 5 years, 3 months ago
ok maybe I’m just stupid or impatient and not looking closely enough but where are the actual recent lessons – you have the interview with Dan Kennedy from Dec 2018 as recent?? are they not in order? I don’t get it – I click on PPC and find a 3 min video?? again I don’t get it –
Hi Vienna: I am not sure I understand your question. We have accumulated a large library of lessons on different topics and post new ones on a regular basis. The Scuttlebutt sessions (like the one with Dan Kennedy) were recorded a few years ago but the information on them is timeless. Every time we post a new lesson we send out an email. The…Read more
Hi Vienna: Another suggestion: If you can quantify what is the biggest obstacle you have right now you are welcome to request a hot seat with John and Stan. They can point you in the right direction and get you moving. There is a link in the right column (under Hot Seats and Consulting).
Recent Member Lessons
Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 1
Part 1 of the email marketing course created by John Carlton & Stan Dahl, where we share the lessons we've learned over the years that have brought in millions of dollars in sales. This lesson focuses on copywriting. The "Read" and "Acton On" part of email...
Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 2
Part 2 of the email marketing course created by John Carlton & Stan Dahl, where we share all the lessons we've learned over the years that have brought in millions of dollars in sales. This lesson covers the stuff you've got to know if you want your emails to have...
Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 3 – Q&A
Below are questions submitted before the course "How to Get Your Emails Delivered, Read and Acted Upon" was created and after the original release. John Carlton and I reviewed all of the questions submitted before and after the webinar. Our responses follow the...
Your browser may be leaving you vulnerable to attack…please read this
A while ago we received an email from Amazon stating that someone had recently tried to access one or more MRIC videos that are hosted on S3 using a browser that is configured to use SSLv3. To give you some perspective on this…SSLv3 was introduced in 1996. It was...
Premium Programs

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The Simple Writing System
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Kick-Ass Copywriting
Carlton Swipe Files

The Freelance Course

Three questions:
1.) Feedback on my headline and “big idea” on the sales page
2.) Prospecting ideas to drive conversations so I can sell the $2500 program
3.) Thoughts on building long-term continuity with this customer-base.
Hi Casey: One thing you have to check out: I tried to access your site through Firefox and got a security message:
When I clicked on “learn more” I was sent to this page: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/secure-connection-failed-firefox-did-not-connect?as=u&utm_source=inproducthttps://www.screencast.com/t/uuDp7t0Y
There is an image of the security message here: https://www.screencast.com/t/uuDp7t0Y
See here: https://cmox.co/accelerator
Had an SSL issue on that domain. Thx for notifying me!
Hi Casey I would definitely request a hot seat so John and Stan can review your prospecting (or whatever you want) and give you some ideas.
I think your best platform would be LinkedIn (no rocket science there). I see you do some sharing and commenting. I don’t see any articles so you may want to start publishing some of your own content. You…Read more