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  • Hi All
    I have a new product “Instant Calmer-4 Wickedly Effective Ways to Neutralise Financial Traders Stress in under 10 Minutes.” Its a short pdf and the price is $4 – so doesn’t need much high powered copy.
    My question is about the contrast of -“people will do much more to avoid loss than to make gain” and Carlton’s advice to “paint pretty…Read more

    • Do not skip any points about avoiding pain. For all of the ways people relate differently to marketing messages, one thing that has not changed is –

      People won’t spend much, if anything, to prevent a pain from happening somewhere down the line. They will spend a LOT to make a current pain go away.

      It’s OK to also list future benefits. As…Read more

    • Thanks Stan
      Deleting “$4” – also – I hadn’t got the distinction between preventing future pain and making current pain go away.
      so if I understand you correctly
      “How much would you lose by making one bad trading decision”
      would be better changed to
      “How much are you already losing making bad decisions forced by stress?”

      Thanks again

  • Call me crazy, but my obsession is creating direct mail with messages to move business owners into raising their hands for help with their expensive business insurance. (I help people deal with their insurance brokers and reduce costs 12% to over 30%) I’m sure it is possible with direct mail long-term drip campaigns, and I’m gearing up for fresh,…Read more

    • Hi Don. I’m not familiar with a fast print and mail service that will print the address on a non-windowed envelope. I suspect because that at least doubles the printing cost and they all compete on price.

      Have you contacted every print shop within an your drive? Local print shops still to very good work. If you have anything they can do, they…Read more

    • Wow, thanks for your helpful, actionable reply Stan. I don’t understand your last sentence: “One big news even can draw attention for the days around your mailing.”

  • Hey, I am new here. Joined to learn how to actually craft winning emails. I am coach and want to be able to have a email campaign to convert my email list into my program.

  • Hey, everyone. I’m new ’round here and pumped to get started. The best thing I like about copy training is you can learn something in the morning and likely apply it by that afternoon. I’m already drawing from “Kick Ass Copywriting Secrets” and John’s power words. Thanks for having me!

  • Hello,

    My name is Tomasz, I’m from Germany and I work as a copywriter in two different capacities:

    Firstly, I work as a freelancer, collaborating with various personal brands and companies, and occasionally taking on projects. I have already accompanied several successful six-figure launches.

    Secondly, I work full-time as a copywriter for…Read more

    • Hi Tomaz, I’ve been traveling around Europe for a few weeks. I missed your post moving hotel to hotel.

      Based on what you’ve posted, I have questions. So my tips might be off. But if I had to do a few things to bring in one new client in 30 days, here’s what I’d do.

      Contact all your prospects. Ask if they have tracking data on their email. Opens…Read more

    • Hi Stan,
      yes, this was a very helpful input. Thank you 🙂

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Retirement Planning Basics

This is the first in a series of articles that will discuss retirement plan options that are available to the self-employed person or small business owner. In this article I will explain some of the basic principles that underlie intelligent retirement planning. There is no rocket science here, I just want to be sure that everyone starts off on the same page.

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