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  • When does SWS Coaching open up again?

    • We’re about to announce a SWS Coaching program that will start in 1-2 weeks.

      The teacher will be our most experienced instructor, Mark Landstrom.

      Watch your inbox this week. Because there will be just one classroom, we will limit enrollment.

    • What’s the price of it compared to the DIY SWS? Anyone know? I ask because I’ve been stalking my inbox awaiting an email and I’m wondering if I should just bite the bullet and do the DIY SWS. Decision largely influenced by price. Thanks!

    • Here’s another question…
      The bonuses for SWS are the kick ass course, the 11 marketing fixes and Power Words.
      I already have those from the freelancers course.
      Can we get john to toss a a different bone, since we already have these- LOL)?
      Not really an enticing bonus for us that have the freelance course already…ya know?

      • Hi Nick: There are several other bonuses included with SWS. There are 13 video interviews that John did with other top marketers and access to videos from all 3 Action Seminars The AS videos are available while you are a student and for a week or two after that.

        in addition, if you already own KACC you get a $100 discount off the live…Read more

      • I meant KACS, not KACC

  • Hey Virginia, I wanted to put a comment/question underneath this one. . . https://1023.marketingrebelclub.com/lessons/sf-the-17th-version/ but there doesn’t seem to be a link to click to do so, even though the “complete guide” said we could ask questions. What do I do?

    • From the page “complete Guide” John Carlton’s Swipe File:

      Under John Carlton’s Corner >> Collected Letters – Swipe File, you’ll find several of Carlton’s all-time best selling ads. Along with each ad are notes from Carlton explaining the development and sales psychology behind the ad. You are welcome to break down these ads and apply the techn…Read more

    • Hi Robert: Post the question here in the Clubhouse. Refer to the post and link to it like you did here in case someone wants to go there to see it. If you comment under the post people (like me) won’t see it.

  • Virginia, hi! I posted this yesterday after watching the PowerPoint you linked to me ( thanks) but I may have inadvertently replied to my post not yours so not sure if you saw it!
    hi again!Went to my office and watched your video on “How to Easily Convert Articles to Video with Powerpoint and Camtasia”
    It was a great primer for me as my kno…Read more

    • Hi Larry: I did see your post but haven’t had time to reply.

      I have a windows PC. The last Apple desktop I used was in 1984. It had no hard drive and used 3 1/2″ floppy disks. So my knowledge of Macs is limited at best. I do have an ipad but would never use that for a primary computer.

      I like my desktop because the monitor is easier on my…Read more

      • Yes, that is the context you used Laughingbird in!
        Thanks for the info!
        I’m trying to think of who manufacturers it but I saw a laptop with a very large monitor that actually turns vertical in case you want to read a newspaper or magazine! Thanks for that info. It was very helpful!!!

    • Thanks for the info Pete! I’m gonna check them out in a couple of weeks at one of the retail stores (Costco, Best Buy or other) then I will take you up on your kind offer and post the ones I find ( be it PC or PC and laptop if I can generate the $$$$ ) then after narrowing it down I will buy it at one of the online sites!
      Thanks again!
      Larry E

    • Larry,
      Something else you may want to consider that helps me tremendously…

      Good writing software.

      I use Scrivener.

      There’s another software that a British screenwriter/programmer created called yWriter. It’s very similar to Scrivener, but it’s free.
      (if you google ywriter, his “programmer” name is spacejock, so don’t confuse that for…Read more

  • Larry E. posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago

    Also, speaking of books, there’s a book out called “My Life in Advertising & Scientific Advertising” Two Works by Claude C.Hopkins
    It’s really very very interesting and an enjoyable educational read!

  • A good book out in print and Kindle called;
    “There is No B2B or B2C: It’s Human to Human: #H2H”
    It’s only 68 pages but great read!

Recent Member Lessons

License to Steal: The Nickel Letter

In this video John Carlton discusses using money attached to a letter to both enhance the story behind a product and capture a prospect’s attention. The topics include using personalization, sales detective work, finding the story behind a product, the use of guarantees, and the contrarian perspective.

License to Steal: One-Legged Golfer

This video is an overview of John Carlton’s famous “One Legged Golfer” sales letter. The topics discussed include getting the story behind a product, the definition of a “control” in copywriting, bonding with your audience, and the use of time limits and other take away strategies.

Premium Programs

Platinum Mastermind 

The Simple Writing System

Enter The Clubhouse

Kick-Ass Copywriting 

Carlton Swipe Files

The Freelance Course

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