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Jan Polak posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Any ideas how to write for non-profit organization saving Rain Forest?
What kind of hooks can I use? I want to help a small environmental org who buy land in the jungle and plant trees there.Here are my issues…
There is no hungry crowd waiting for solution to their problem. She’s aware there is a problem but a/ far away and b/ it’s basic…Read more -
Larry E. posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Was just watching a You Tube video where John appears with Jon Benson on his product Sellerator and was wondering if there’s any archived material pertaining to VIDEO SALES LETTERS on MRIC and also does anyone know of any good books or websites pertaining to VSL?
Hi Larry: I created a video showing the mechanics of creating a VSL using the sales letter for the Simple Writing System as a model. It is here: https://1023.marketingrebelclub.com/lessons/create-vsl-with-powerpoint-and-camtasia/
We don’t have anything specifically about writing copy for VSL’s but most of them are just regular sales letters…Read more
Thank you Virginia!
Virginia, just bookmarked your presentation and will watch from my PC in the am
Thanks again! -
hi again!Went to my office and watched your video on “How to Easily Convert Articles to Video with Powerpoint and Camtasia”
It was a great primer for me as my knowledge in PowerPoint is lacking and in Camtasia non existent!I then went on to UDEMY and signed up during their current $10. Per course promo in two solid courses in this area by known…Read more
Hi Larry – My position remains that writing for a VSL is writing sales copy.
Just like writing copy for a Product Launch is writing copy.
Different applications or delivery mechanisms do not radically alter what it takes to sell.
In the Simple Writing System, we cover 17 steps that are part of most sales messages. Every one of them does not…Read more
Thanks Stan! Couldn’t locate this thread earlier on my iPhone but found it again on my iPad Air (Thanks Apple!)
I haven’t gotten that far to study the VSL on my SWS but will keep an eye out for it!
Any thoughts on Jon Bensons Sellerator as I see John did a YouTube with Mr Benson on it?
Thanks again!
Larry E. posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Stan, thanks for your update re:VSL
Hi Larry: You should put this as a reply to Stan’s comment. No one knows what you are talking about unless they saw the original thread and if you put it in as a reply Stan will get a notice of it so he will know that you wrote it.
yup, you are 100% correct but once again the downside to my iPhone is I can’t locate it but will in the am at the office!
Robert posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Part of the SWS bonus was access to the Action Seminars. . . was that stripped? I can’t seem to get access now. . or a glitch? I have the email where it says these were part of the SWS as a bonus.
Must be a glitch. . . because I can’t even access recent lessons to the left (wrong membership level) AND I have notes from action seminars. . . . I’ll check later this week.
Hi Robert: Your access to the Action Seminar videos and membership in the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club were bonuses while you were a SWS student, and you had continued access for about a month and a half after it ended. If you want to continue your membership in the MRIC (which is how you are able to view the “Recent Lessons”, we have a…Read more
Hi Virginia. . .let me be clear. . .I did sign up and pay extra to continue to receive access. BTW, I guess I’m having a problem understanding bonuses that are taken away. . .it seems like normal business for ya’ll, I guess I’ve never dealt with anyone who runs it this way. Oh well, first time for everything.
peace and profits.-
Hi Robert: If you signed up for continued access, just open a ticket and Anne will take care of you. I looked at your account before i replied before and I didn’t see it, so here may have been a problem with the registration.
She is the one to help you with that.
kvakz posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Hi ladies and gentlemen. I am looking for a John Carlton trained copywriter to touch up, polish or re-do a sales page of http://adwordsbrain.com
I already know the page is terrible, I know it sucks… And, that is exactly why I’m here. My total bugdet for the project is $500-$600 payable via PalPal. Hope such budget did not offend anyone, I’m…Read more
I wish you luck finding someone who can help you.
You seem to understand your budget is VERY low for a professional copywriter with any sort of track record of writing copy for a full webpage (I assume that includes Thank You page, maybe upsells or emails).
Still, we advocate rookie copywriters (anyone lacking a few winning pieces) take pretty…Read more
First of all -THANK YOU, Stan. I appreciate your reply to me and the very fact you’ve taken time to do that. I also appreciate your comments. So, I’ll write a new comment to my post using your suggestions.
Here is how it may work:
All I need from you is one sales page – the home page. Upsell e-mails, follow up e-mails are NOT required at this stage.
You may need to talk to me for an hour or two. However, we can work over e-mail whereby you ask questions and give me time to answer them. That might take longer, but at least you will have a lot in w…Read more
Recent Member Lessons
License to Steal – The Only Sex Book You Will Ever Admit to Buying
In this video John Carlton discusses his letter for a major publisher for a book on human sexuality. The video begins with an outline of the seminar, brief introductions of the participants, and moves on to discuss how this letter has been reused in many other markets. The discussion includes structuring headlines, using bullets, and working with clients.
License to Steal: The Nickel Letter
In this video John Carlton discusses using money attached to a letter to both enhance the story behind a product and capture a prospect’s attention. The topics include using personalization, sales detective work, finding the story behind a product, the use of guarantees, and the contrarian perspective.
License to Steal: The Amazing Discovery
This video is a discussion of a golf sales letter. The topics include how to define and create a “hook” for a product, writing headlines, and using bullets to reinforce the benefits of a product.
License to Steal: One-Legged Golfer
This video is an overview of John Carlton’s famous “One Legged Golfer” sales letter. The topics discussed include getting the story behind a product, the definition of a “control” in copywriting, bonding with your audience, and the use of time limits and other take away strategies.
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Hi Jan The first thing you have to do is describe your perfect prospect. I am willing to bet that anyone who would rather grab a beer and watch a basketball game is not your prospect. You have to find people who are already predisposed to signing on with your client.
Don’t try to persuade anyone that it is necessary to save the Amazon. Leave…Read more
“You seem to be quite cynical, as well. Do you believe in the cause? If not, you may have a tough road ahead trying to get other people on board.”
Thank you Virginia – it’s a great remark… I wrote it quickly and probably sounded cynical. My bad. My friend and I have just bought land in Peru where we’ll plant trees… So I not only believe i…Read more
Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who believe that doing good is more important than earning a high income. Harlan Kilstein, who is one of the SWS teachers, says that he had problems selling info on how to earn more to yoga teachers because they believe that it is not “right” to be focused on income. He said it better than I and I…Read more
Step one in any project is to determine if a market exists where you want to engage. Not just clicks, or likes, or even stories — an actual market, where people spend money. If there is, there are competitors you can research, to see how they’ve failed or succeeded ahead of you. If there isn’t a viable market, you’re doomed as a marketer. Which…Read more
Thanks for advise John.
I’m aware research is essential and this is what I’m doing right now. Slowly with my limited time. But even if we manage to 10 people to support the project it’s still ok.
I’m trying to wreap is as a personal story of a founder and her fight for the cause (buying land and planting trees out of her own pocket).