Is Everybody Doing Story Wrong?

In this presentation, David Deutsch explores a new way of using stories in marketing and writing. Most people think you need to tell your own story or your company’s story, but what if the real secret is to connect with the stories already in your customers’ heads?...

Action Seminar Speaker Q&A: Cold Calling Success Secrets

Shamus Brown: Well, OK, the first thing you have to do…one reason why you do it, if you have to do it, is because if you have a list, if you have access to some kind of list you can call to, it’s a very fast way to get to sales. That’s why people do it, that’s why...

Action Seminar Big Dog Panel: Get Your Email Opened

You can't sell anything unless you get your prospect to listen to you, and the best-written, most engaging email will be worthless if it is not opened by your prospects. Stan Dahl and Brian Johnson discuss how to get your prospects to open your emails. Stan goes...

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