WordPress is completely changing the default editor with the release of WP 5.0. They are going from the current TinyMCE editor to a block-based one, similar to Divi and other similar page builders. It is quite a bit different from the current editor, but is not...
Create redirects with Pretty Links
Pretty links is a free WordPress plugin which creates custom redirect links using your own URL, instead of a standard redirect URL such as bit.ly This gives you a cleaner, more professional look. Also, the analytics are available right in your dashboard. We created a...
Easily create HTML snippets to add to your posts
One thing we use a lot on the Marketing Rebel site are HTML snippets. This allows us to add blubs to each post and manage them from one location. When we want to make a change we can make one change instead of 100 or more. The plugin we are using to create these...
An on-demand accountability partner?
I came across an interesting site the other day and thought I'd pass it along. A big problem for many who work alone is maintaining focus. There are so many distractions that it is sometimes hard to keep your mind on your work. And no boss to remind you to...
How to trim a video with Windows Photos
Probably one of the last places you would expect to find a video editor is in an image app. But, you can open a video in Windows Photos and do some editing. If you just want to clip a piece of a video without having to re-render it in Camtasia, you don't really have...
How to manage website files with Filezilla
Filezilla is an easy-to-use (and free) FTP app. If you need to upload/download files and don't want to use CPanel to do it, this is a great alternative. We created a very short video to introduce it to you: Click on the image to watch the video: If you have any...
Make your WP sidebar sticky
One way you can make sure visitors to your site see what you want them to see is to keep exposing it to them as they scroll down the page. There is a WP plugin called Q2W3 Fixed Widget (interesting name, eh?) that will make your sidebar sticky, so it follows the...
Introduction to the GDPR
If you do business in the European Union, you have to be familiar with the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This article is designed to give an overview of the Regulation. It does not give legal advice to any one person or company. If you have any...
Increase your efficiency with Video Speed Controller
You probably have a lot of videos waiting for your attention, but who has time to watch them? This tool may help. It speeds up the video so you can save time and don't have to jump around trying to find the info you need. We created a demo video which is very...
Get your questions answered with Survey Monkey
Survey Monkey provides a free, easy way to create quizzes, surveys, questionnaires, etc that you can use to get the information you need to grow your business. We created a short video to introduce it and show how to create a simple survey. Click on the image to watch...