World Time Buddy is a website that lets you keep track of the time for locations throughout the world. It is very simple to use. I created a short video to show you what to do. One thing I neglected to do in the video was to show how to open an account, so you don't...
How to set up Google Alerts
If you need a constant influx of new, updated information to post to a blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., here is an easy way to find it. Google has a program called Google Alerts. When you set up an alert, Google will scan the internet on a daily basis and pull in blog...
Will your site be labelled by Google as “not secure”?
Google's Chrome browser is cracking down on websites that don't have SSL certificates in place (hereinafter known as "http" sites, as opposed to "https" sites). This started last month (January, 2017). Right now, if your site collects any type of personal...
Introduction to Evernote
Evernote is an effective tool for organizing your work (and your personal files) and sharing with other people. It is relatively easy to learn yet very powerful in what it allows you to do. This video introduces you to its main features and presents some ideas as to...
Welcome to The Simple Writing System
The SWS is John Carlton's premier course on salesmanship and copywriting. To learn more about how the program works -- including the small on-line classrooms and individual coaching -- please visit . SWS Students will find - SWS Video...
How do I create graphics?
There are a lot of times when you need a quick graphic or image. Maybe you want to post a meme on Facebook, maybe you want to illustrate something to a prospect or client. We have several videos that explain different aspects of graphics creation. They are...
How do I create and build out a video?
Video can be used so many ways in your marketing, and it is really easy to create one that looks like it was made by a professional. We have quite a few posts in the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club (MRIC) on how to create and edit video. This post will tie them all...
How to remove a background and combine images with PowerPoint
This is for "the rest of us" who don't use Photoshop and are too busy with other stuff to learn it. A lot of marketers use Powerpoint for seminars and online videos, and it is a good tool to use for image manipulation, as well. If you are not pressed for time you are...
How to Synch Video with Camtasia
From time to time you may have a video that is not synched properly. By "synched" I mean that the audio matches the video. When someone's mouth moves the audio matches what his mouth is doing. Or, when someone says "click here" you can see the cursor clicking on...
Getting Email Delivered… Read… And Acted On — Overview
This course is divided into 3 modules - In Part 1, John Carlton goes deep into the psychology & structure of email writing. Throughout the presentation he references some of his most successful emails. You can download all of these so you'll have them to follow...