Introduction to Evernote

Evernote is an effective tool for organizing your work (and your personal files) and sharing with other people. It is relatively easy to learn yet very powerful in what it allows you to do. This video introduces you to its main features and presents some ideas as to...

How to clear your cache – Windows

This is how to clear your cache in Firefox (2 versions), Chrome, and Internet Explorer. In the video for Internet Explorer I said that the creator of the theme advises against using Internet Explorer. I am told that that only applies to developers, not users....

Productivity Boosters

Sometimes it seems like 24 hours in a day is just not enough to get everything done.  But, maybe it is not that we don't have enough hours in the day...maybe it is just that we don't use those hours efficiently enough (ok..I admit that this is not rocket science!). ...

Fontsquirrel — Free fonts

FontSquirrel is a site from which you can download fonts that are not already on your computer. It is free and easy to use. This is a short video that shows how to grab free fonts from FontSquirrel. Click the arrow to start: You can go to Fontsquirrel here...

Intro to PicPick

PicPick is a cool tool that does several things: screenshots colorpicker magnifier pixel ruler crosshair protractor whiteboard I created a short demo video. Note:  This site is paid for by ads, so you have to navigate a lot of them in order to download the software....

DaFont: Free Handwriting Fonts

I had a request for info on how to add and use new handwriting fonts.  The site I use is  I created a short video showing how to download and install fonts, in case you have never done it before. Click on the arrow to play: To check out the fonts they...

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